The First 3 Months Saw:
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Mondelēz International, Inc. empowers people to snack right in over 150 countries around the world.
Mondelēz International, Inc. is leading the future of snacking with iconic global and local brands such as OREO, belVita and LU biscuits; Cadbury Dairy Milk, Milka and Toblerone chocolate; Sour Patch Kids candy and Trident gum.
The Challenge
Mondelēz International, Inc. wanted to create a hub to elevate their Research, Development & Quality (RDQ) teams’ knowledge of marketing, business and R&D best practices. The outcome would be one custom on-line platform for learning and development videos, as well as downloadable assets.
Content that lived on the SharePoint site would cover nine modules, each an hour long. These videos would be placed on the Mondelēz International, Inc. intranet for employees to watch and download globally.
A video series was requested to cover the current and emergent needs of the business within the RDQ community. This resulted in a launch campaign with emailers and a trailer for the whole platform and new ways of thinking.

Silicon Reef partnered with Design Bridge to create an environment that ‘pulled’ people in, rather than ‘pushing’ content onto them. Together, we created a SharePoint site which integrates Microsoft Stream to incorporate videos within the intranet site.
Design Bridge proposed a ‘Netflix’ experience for the hub. This idea would allow employees to view as little or as much video as they wanted. Each module was made up of five, 3-4-minute bite sized clips.
The UX & UI would be designed and developed to aid in continuous learning and echo that of other familiar content platforms, like TED or Netflix.
In addition to creating an engaging hub for learning content, we wanted to ensure the user experiences were maximised as much as possible to aid them in their leaning:
INTEGRATION: We built the hub as part of the existing SharePoint 365 space already being used by all employees globally.
REFERENCES: Users can access additional content and downloadable resources.
TRACKING: The experience was designed to ensure employees knew what they had watched and what to watch next.
MOBILE FRIENDLY: Optimised for mobile to allow employees to view video content on the go.

1 trailer | 17 interviews | 47 Videos & Scripts Developed | 100+ Graphic Animations | Over 3 Hours of Content
First 3 months after launch:
- 3,000+ sessions
- 26,500+ page views
- 8,600+ views per session
- 1,600 repeat visitors
- 16 minutes 9 seconds – avg. time spent on site per session
The Mondelēz International, Inc. team told us they were very happy with the product and had received really good internal feedback on the project – including being asked to present the training hub at their big innovation event in front of the Mondelēz International, Inc. CEO and executive team.
“This is ground-breaking from an RDQ training perspective and the tangible outcomes of our collaboration will be great new / improved products & packages for the consumer.”
Marcia E. Young, Senior Director, Consumer Science, Mondelēz International
“Collaboration was critical to this project and Silicon Reef where amazing. The team at SR perfectly understood the value of brand-led design and were able to work with us to deliver our vision for our client.”
Ed Mitchell, Group Brand Experience Director, Design Bridge London